
Using Neuroscience to Become a Better Developer

Tips for efficiency++ and stress-- while coding, sprint planning, learning new tech and more. From neuropsychology with love.

We call these soft skills. How can I be more productive and (dare I say it) happier at work? "Soft" because they can't be measured, right?

Turns out, there are plenty of studies on how our brain works in N familiar situations, like:

  • fix that pesky bug
  • meet a new client
  • plan the next sprint
  • understand this shiny&new Node framework

In this session, we'll discuss the best (and worst!) practices for these scenarios. You'll learn about how the brain works, like how fast is the prefrontal cortex, how the amygdala gets involved and how hormones such as dopamine and cortisol influence productivity. All this will help you ride the waves and stay away from sharks.

Friday, 2019-10-11 @ 12:10
> Skill level: elementary
> Duration: 45 min

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Photo of Radu Gheorghe

Radu Gheorghe

In 7 years at Sematext, I've been doing:

I've also studied psychology at the university and specialized in transactional analysis for psychotherapy afterwards.

Photo of Rafał Kuć

Rafał Kuć

First of all I'm a father of two great kids and a husband. When it comes to professional life - software engineering was always a thing for me. Starting for early days of 8bit computers up to know. I started writing real code on my Amiga and then I just followed the road. For more then 12 years I'm mostly focused on search and data - Apache Lucene, Apache Solr and Elasticsearch being a consultant, trainer and software engineer in Sematext Group, Inc. in all of the mentioned topics. I love dealing with problems, finding the proper solutions and applying them to see how the system is properly working. I'm also a gamer with not enough time to play games and I recently fell in love with running, which is starting to become a passion for me :)

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