

Tickets for WebCamp Zagreb 2019 are sold out.

Thanks to everyone who bought a ticket!

All tickets include entrance to both days of the conference, including all scheduled talks, lunch, drinks, coffee, snacks, and drinkup with plenty of craft beer after the conference.

Conference tickets do not include workshops. Tickets for workshops must be purchased separately.

Category Start End Individual Corporate Swag?
Early bird 2019-05-01 2019-06-23 300kn 400kn yes
Regular 2019-06-24 2019-09-15 600kn 800kn yes
Late bird 2019-09-16 - 900kn 1200kn no

Starting this year, we're introducing variable pricing depending who's paying for the ticket:

Early bird and Regular tickets include a swag bag with a WebCamp T-Shirt and various other goodies and sponsored gifts. Late bird tickets do not, so don't delay until the last moment.

Community vote

Individual Early Bird ticket holders will get a chance to participate in the community vote. We will select a number of applications for talks which do not get chosen in our Call for papers, and it will be up to you to decide which talks end up in the official roster.

If you own such a ticket, you will receive an email notification when the voting opens, after the first round of speakers have been chosen.

Payment methods

Conference tickets are sold through Entrio.

Entrio accepts payment by credit card or bank transfer. Please note that bank transfers will be disabled a week before the conference, to make sure all charges are processed before the conference starts.

Don't feel like paying?

All speakers who speak at one of our meetups in the period from WebCamp Zagreb 2018 until this year's conference will get a free ticket.

To save your money, submit a talk to one of our user groups today: Distributed Systems Zagreb, Golang ZG, impl Zagreb for Rust, Javascript Zagreb, Python Hrvatska, Ruby Zagreb, Testival, ZgPHP

We also accept a number of volunteers. Subscribe to our newsletter to be notified when the call for volunteers opens.

Buy tickets

By buying a ticket, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct.

Tickets are sold out.

Subscribe for latest news

We usually send one email per month between May and October.
You can unsubscribe at any time by visiting the link at the bottom of the newsletter.